There are often different names for the same game in different regions. This is a list of games for the system, organized alphabetically by name. It most likely that there isn't one, I just wanted to ask before I gave up my search. If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be most appreciated. I was wondering if there was a translatioin patch for the game, or if anyone ever started one. I wanted to give it to a friend, but the game is of course in Japanese, seeing how they never released it in America. Hello all, I recenlty 'obtained' Cowboy Bebop for the PS2. A US release was planned but ultimately cancelled. COWBOY BEBOP: THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME is a feature-length 'lost episode' adapted from the PlayStation 2 videogame 'Cowboy Bebop: Serenade of Recollection' which was released in Japan in 2005.
Download Cowboy Bebop (Japan) PSX ISO ROM highly compressed.