The latter is a separate prompt if not provided on the command line.
Note: When prompted for the password when using sudo it's the Host's Admin User Account password not the encrypted Virtual Machine password. Sudo vmrun -T fusion -vp password start /Users/WKZ/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/Windows\ 7.vmwarevm/Windows\ 7.vmx That said, in order to start an encrypted Virtual Machine via vmrun it must be preceded by sudo. Although if running from a script then using -vp would be the preferred method. If vmrun needs authentication information, it prompts for it.', so one would not necessarily need to use -vp $password_for_encrypted_virtual_machine and would be prompted for it. However in the documentation vix112_vmrun_command.pdf it states ' As of the VIX 1.10 release, you no longer need to specify a guest user name and password, or an encryption password.
Or when shopping in-store the finish will be displayed on the other side of the shadow container. When shopping online for an eyeshadow to find out the finish, simply hover over the colour and a box will appear displaying the information. Vmrun -T fusion -vp password start /Users/WKZ/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/Windows\ 7.vmwarevm/Windows\ 7.vmx MAC eyeshadow finishes consist of: Matte, Matte2, Satin, Frost, Lustre, Velvet, Veluxe and Veluxe pearl. The proper syntax is: vmrun $flags $command $parametersĮxample: vmrun -T fusion -vp $Encrypted_Password start $FQP_To_VMX_File